
捨身祈雨 Sacrificing Life for Rain

In the distant past, there was a country, though its land mass was not large but it was blessed with a very benevolent king.  The king loved his people like his own children.  Unfortunately disaster struck the country with a drought.  The land was left barren and the grass could not grow.  As a result, many people were starved to death and people started rioting. The ministers were helpless.

The king could not bear seeing his people suffering from famine.  One day, he told his ministers “Are the people starving and rioting because I have not cultivated enough virtue?  I want to pray to God with my utmost sincere heart and I am willing to sacrifice my life to plead God for rain.”

After seven days of sincere prayer for rain, the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight.  The king kept pondering over how he could save his people.  Since he couldn’t get rain through sincere praying, he had to think of other ways.

The king entrusted the running of his country including his own position to the ministers and brought along a few confidants with him to the seashore. He prayed sincerely again on a rock by the seashore, “I am willing to shoulder all the karma created by my people and sacrifice my own life to save my people”.  The king vowed to transform into a big fish to sustain his people’s lives for the time being.  After praying, he immediately jumped into the sea.

The people were deeply grieved with the news and those involved in rioting also quiet down. Not long after, a huge fish, as big as a hill, floated up in the middle of the sea and was washed ashore by the waves. At that time, there were five people fixing a boat on the beach.  They discovered this fish which was suddenly washed ashore and thought it was strange.  They immediately ran to the fish as if the fish was beckoning to them trying to tell them something.

The fish said, “Please return to the village and inform each household to come and take my flesh for food.”  The fish also said, “I have cultivated over many lifetimes and have vowed to sacrifice myself to save all living beings.  Now people are suffering and I need to save them.  As long as you can help me fulfill my wish by calling the villagers to take my flesh, the five of you will be the first to be saved when I attain Buddhahood.”

This is a story in one of Buddha’s past lives.  I often reflect on this story and felt that such a spirit of self-sacrificing oneself to save living beings is truly remarkable.  I am grateful to the Buddha for his great compassionate love for continually returning to the human realm.  Wherever there is suffering, he will transform into any form to relieve the sufferings. Such Buddha spirit is the live fountain of love that constantly springs from my heart.

Translated by Liz Chen, Edited by Richard Wong, Sydney, Australia

In handling matters, let your mind influence your heart., In dealing with people, let your heart influence your mind.