慈濟中醫門診與教學中心介紹 Tzu Chi Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tzu Chi Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine  

The Tzu Chi Foundation has opened a new, first-of-its-kind Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic at Humber College’s North Campus. The clinic will be open to the public and offer integrated and personalized protocols of TCM. Students will receive hands-on inter-professional education, complete supervised direct patient care hours, determine diagnoses and treatment plans, and gain the valuable hands-on experience.

Humber College North Campus, Room C105  
205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 5L7   
Tel : (416) 675-5015 

Let our mind, be like a mirror—, while the images reflected, are constantly changing, the mirror itself, remains unchanged.