
將軍的杯子 The general's cup

There was once a very brave general who had gone through many dangerous, death-cheating missions with unmatched valor.  In peace times, he liked to collect pottery which he took out and admire from time to time.

One day, while he was cheerfully holding his most favourite cup, his hand slipped.  The cup would have dropped onto the ground but for his quick reaction which caught it in time. 

We all have the experience of skipping a heart beat or even sweat breaking out when things nearly fell.  So had that general with his favourite cup.  After that incident, he looked back and wondered why he sweated for a cup when he was not scared of death on the battlefield.  Why?

The thought of greed and affection suddenly crossed his mind.  He feared because of greed and affection!  To remove that fear, he threw down and broke the cup.  Without that concern, he felt relieved and did not have to worry any more about imperfections on the cup.

While we might think we are strong and fear of nothing, this reveals that there is actually weak spot in all of us.  Even religion practitioners have weak spots.  In normal times, we might think that, because of religious teachings, we are selfless and care for others.  But when critical times come, the thought of self-protection, competition against others might come up.  This is human weakness.

Translated by Harry So, Sydney, Australia

Discipline is to, not give rise to , unwholesome thoughts., Meditative concentration is to , be calm under adversity., Wisdom is to , take control of our mind , and change our destiny.