
回歸純真的本性 Reclaim the purity of inner mind

During the Jin dynasty, a boy, called Mao Bao, was born into an impoverished family. One winter day, Mao Bao was playing near a river bank. when a fisherman saw a small white turtle being caught in his net and said: “This small white turtle is very scarce, it must be very precious!”. Seeing the small white turtle being caught, compassion arose in the boy’s mind. He begged the fisherman to release the turtle but as it was rare to catch a white turtle, the fisherman refused his request.

When the boy looked again at the turtle, it raised its head and stared at the boy, with an anxious expression. Without hesitation, the boy took off his coat, knelt down to the fisherman offering him his coat for the freedom of the turtle. The fisherman was touched by the kindness shown by the boy who was willing to exchange his only coat in such harsh cold winter for a small white turtle.

He handed the turtle to the boy saying:” This coat is of no value compared to the small white turtle, however, your wholesome thought is so touching that I am willing to make the exchange with you.” Happily the boy held the small white turtle and said to it: “So you are rescued! Although the wind was bone chilling to me, it’s worth to have your life saved.” As if it understood what the boy said, the small white turtle shed tears and nodded to the boy. Carefully, the boy released the turtle back into the river.  

Twenty years passed by, the boy grew up to become a General in the imperial court. He received many rewards for his meritorious contribution in the battle field. Finally, he was assigned to lead a battalion in a battle but was defeated and the army was trapped by the opposition. He managed to retreat with the surviving troops to the bank of Yang Tze River. When they reached the bank, however, they found only one boat to take them across. Sacrificing himself, he let the troops on board while he, himself, jumped into the water to try to swim across.   

As he struggled across in the rushing water, he became very exhausted and was about to faint,. when at the very crucial moment, something came and held him afloat, When he came around, he saw a big white turtle in front of him, and realised that it was the small white turtle of twenty years ago which had saved his life. 
Like twenty years ago, the big white turtle looked at him with tearful eyes. After a while, it crawled unwillingly back into the river. As it swam away, it looked back at the General and nodded at him, as if thanking him for his benevolence in the past. The General felt relieved and wondered why couldn’t men love each other when even beings could have loving affection? With this realization, he quit his position and exiled himself for cultivation.    

一般人常以是非之心待人,對人品頭論足,卻不知道反省自己。修行, 必定要回歸純真的本性 ,以寬闊心胸對待所有的人。凡事縮小自己,關懷別人。世間萬事萬物,無不是我們效法、學習的對象。
People are always judgemental towards others, lashing criticism without reflecting on themselves. To cultivate ourselves is to reclaim the purity of our inner minds and to treat others with a big heart. We have to humble ourselves and care for others. All matters in this universe are objects for us to learn and practise.  

Translated by Adam Jin.  Edited by Ray Lee, Sydney, Australia