Tzu Chi Academy’s Class of 2018 Express Gratitude & Joy to Their Teachers & Parents

2018/06/09 Tzu Chi West Toronto 

Students brought back their bamboo bank full of savings, showing their love and compassion to help others.The Tzu Chi Academy of Mississauga celebrated the end of its 14th year with their graduation and closing ceremony on June 9, with nearly 400 teachers, students, and parents in attendance. Among the nine graduates were students who had been with the Academy since kindergarten. The teachers who had taught these students for over a decade were both delighted and reluctant to see them leave. The ceremony began with each class taking turns entering the auditorium. As they entered, each student emptied out the bamboo coin bank they had received at the beginning of the school year, the sound of the rolling coins symbolizing their compassion and love.

Once everyone was seated, the graduates, holding the hands of their parents, followed Principal Peggy Lin and their homeroom teacher Sammi Huang into the auditorium and proceeded down the aisle through the gate of blessing, showered along the way by cheers and warm wishes from the audience. On stage, special guests were invited to turn the tassels on their mortarboards. The graduates then expressed their gratitude to their parents by kneeling and serving them tea—at this point, some of the parents couldn’t help but burst into tears of joy. A video was presented, a highlight reel of the graduates’ time at the Academy that gave everyone a chance to not only reflect on how much they’ve grown over the years, but also to coo over images of their adorable younger selves.

The procession of graduates and their parents entered the auditorium following the lead of Principal Peggy Lin and their teacher Sammi Huang. The graduates then expressed their gratitude to their parents by kneeling and serving them tea

For their final sign language performance as students, the graduates chose the song “Gratefulness”, and had spent the last two months perfecting the moves so they could express their utmost thanks to their dedicated teachers. In return, the teachers performed the sign language song “Remember” to remind them that no matter where they go, they should cherish their life and their loved ones, and that Tzu Chi will always be their home. Other classes put on a variety of wonderful shows including rhythmic dance, short drama, Tzu Chi kung fu, and poetry, while the parents quickly used their cameras to capture every moment.

Mr. & Mrs. Swaminath, the parents of a kindergarten student, said: “You teach Mandarin, but you also teach cultural values and how to respect family. I think that’s really important. Our daughter has learned a lot and we’re really grateful for that. We’re really proud of what she’s done this year, and we look forward to her for doing many more years of Mandarin and learning this wonderful language and wonderful culture.” The parent of one of the graduates, Xiuyi Xiu, said that as she was watching the highlight reel, she felt that they had made the right decision and their efforts were not in vain. She commented that her two daughters had gained a lot over the years and would like to give back to the school to pass on their wonderful experience to other children.

The ceremony concluded with the school song “Heaven and Earth is our Large Classroom”. Students, parents, and teachers embraced one another, wishing each other well before meeting again in September. Indeed, this was not goodbye, as the graduates and their parents declared that they would be happy to return to the school as volunteers.

Special guests were invited to turn the tassels on the graduates’ mortarboard.  The graduates performed the sign language song "Gratefulness", thanking their teachers for instilling all the knowledge in them for over ten years.

Grades 1 and 5 show their humanistic temperament of life and courtesy through “Learn to Agree, Learn to Compromise, but Do Not Learn to Fight”. Grades 3 and 6 students put together a powerful kung fu show.

Recital of the famous poem "Farewell" is well received by the audience.

靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms

The ability to love, is a blessing., The ability to , eliminate afflictions , is wisdom.