Trick or Treat, Happiness in Humanities School

Photo taken by Francis Leung Halloween in western countries is a day brings a lot of fun to children, in Tzu Chi Academy of Humanistic Studies in North Toronto, teachers also made it a lovely Sunday on Oct. 29 for the students.

Candies were handed out by the Principal and volunteers in the corridor and office, and various fun games or celebrations were taken place in each classroom. Children showed fantastic talents in performing songs with sign language, or making masks, dolls using recycled materials. Volunteers and some of the parents were also invited to share the happiness all over the campus on this Sunday.

Photo taken by Lina Zhang Photo taken by Francis Leung

Photo taken by Kelly Zhen Photo taken by Vincent Chiou

Photo taken by Kelly Zhen Photo taken by Francis Leung

Photo taken by Francis Leung Photo taken by Francis Leung

Photo taken by Kelly Zhen Photo taken by Kelly Zhen

靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms

Giving time , to our parents, is about , spending time with them,with joy, not merely out of, a sense of duty.