2017/05/05 Tzu Chi held a closing celebration in Ecuador

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Mary Lee-Shioda. Thank you for joining us. We begin today’s program in Ecuador. Many are preparing to say goodbye to one another as Tzu Chi’s Work-for-Relief campaign comes to an end in Santa Ana. Tzu Chi held a closing celebration and local residents expressed their gratitude for Tzu Chi’s assistance in many ways.


2. 厄聖塔感恩
After 8 days of the Work-for-Relief campaign in Santa Ana, Ecuador, a local school was also able to re-open on time, and the community is thriving. Local residents are no longer living under the cloud of depression that the flooding brought onto the city.


靜思語 Jing Si Aphorisms

To give without joy,, not only carries no merit, but engenders afflictions.